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What is Patreon
Patreon is a subscription service in which Pamela offers live channelings, Q&As, classes, mystical masterclasses, and more. Pamela is a creator on the Patreon site. Pamela is a Creator on the Patreon platform like many others and the platform is owner and run by Patreon.
When you register, you can choose amongst different tiers.
There are different benefits available for each tier. These are group events
Below is a list of benefits for each tier (see the pictures) and the group events you have access to monthly.
You also have access, depending on your tier level, to past classes and channellings from Pamela’s library of work over the last years and a monthly live Q&A, Class(es), Channeling(s) depending on your Tier level.
All these events are group events for members only. The tiers group classes, channellings, and Q&As are live, but if you miss them, as a member you can access the recordings on the platforms used.
As a Patreon member, there can also be eventual discounts available to be used to purchase live public events, readings, mentorship sessions and etc. on Pamela's website.
Patreon is a subscription platform.
You are charged monthly; once when you first signup, then every first day of each month after that. Those who join after Feb 27th 2024 will be billed on their join date every month.
You can cancel your subscription at any time. Once you cancel it, your membership is canceled and you lose access to the benefits of your tier immediately, as well as your access to Pamela’s library of work.
No refunds are granted due to the nature of online content. You gain access to a library of content available to your tier immediately upon purchase.
Please note: Recordings are for personal viewing only by current Patreon members in line with their Tier level and are copyright and protected material. Recordings CAN NOT BE USED in part or in full or reproduced in any manner or form or format without full agreement and written permitting from Pamela Aaralyn.
By continuing to watch and participate in Pamela’s Patreon Page , you agree that you have read & agree with our legal, financial, medical & other disclaimers and our terms and conditions linked here
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