January 2025
Patreon Schedule of Events
Welcome Back and Welcome all New Members
Welcome to a new month, thank you for being here.
Here is our schedule for all our Tiers. Thank you for supporting my work.
Theme- 2025 New Year, New You
Let's learn about the foundational blueprint for the human soul and the ascension toolkit directly from the Council of 9 teachings.
If you're curious about your purpose, how to heal, how to ascend, how to Know Thy Self, how to spiritually awaken and how to activate your spiritual abilities, now is the perfect time of the year to awaken to the Self and learn
Jan 7th 2025 at 9am ET - Tiers 1-6: Channeled Class with Galactic Council of 9- The Divine Blueprint for the Human Soul
Come learn more about what you are (as a soul), what your collective and individual human purpose is and how you operate in a polarized world. How does this Universe work?
How do we find our passion and vibrational alignment?
What is CHARISMA and how does the spark of Consciousness from Source work within us?
Jan 9th 2025 at 9am ET - Tiers 4-6: Channeling with the Galactic Council of 9- Karma and Dharma
What is karma?
How does it work in our ascension process to have karma?
If dharma is our mastery, how do we discover it?
This channeling is about the nature of energy and Consciousness as practically applied for healing and living our best lives!
Jan 14th 2025 at 9am ET - Tiers 5-6 Spiritual Bonfire-
Come connect and meet our community. Ask personal questions from me and get answers. Chat and catch up. Live only (for your privacy).
Come meet with the community, get to know each other and have another opportunity to ask Pamela questions
Looking for a deeper, more personal connection with Pamela and this community?
Come joins us and go deeper into your spiritual development together as a community.
PRIVATE and not recorded or reposted anywhere
Jan 16th 2025 at 9am ET - Tiers 1-6 Channeling Humans from the Future- Surprise! (I'll tell you who it is later).
Jan 21st 2025 at 9am ET - Tiers 2-6 Channeled Mystical Masterclass with the Galactic Council of 9- Time and Belief
How does the time/space distortion work?
Why is belief so powerful?
What negative beliefs are we mostly learning from and why?
This class will be a deeper dive into our expansion modules and why we choose them.
Jan 23rd 2025 at 9am ET - Tiers 5-6- Sound Healing or Surprise Class/Channeling
Jan 28th 2025 at 9am ET - Tiers 1-6: Live Spiritual Development Q and A
Come join as I answer your individual spiritual development questions.
Let's do another deep dive on understanding the soul, our reasons for being alive at this important time and more.
Come ask your spiritual development questions and go deeply into more opportunities for expansion, healing and growth.
Jan 30th 2025 at 9am ET - Tiers 3-6: Channeled Class with the Galactic Council of 9- The Ascension Toolkit
How do we heal?
Do we have blocks and if so, how do we move beyond them?
How do we discover blocks?
How do we actually find and follow charisma?
How does manifestation work?
How does finding our charisma and following it lead to ascension/awakening?